
In loving Memory of Samantha L Klabius | October 1965 to December 2022 (official obituary)

Samantha was born in San Jose CA in October 1965. Her father left when she was about two years old and never provided any support or assistance. She was raised solely by her mother Blair (these blue words all open to photos). They spent much time together raising Peruvian Pasos (horses with a smooth ambling gait) together traveling to horse shows all over California and riding in the Rose Parade together a few times. Samantha was very close to her mother. They moved around the Bay Area to many cities. Her favorites were Los Gatos and Santa Cruz. Because they moved around so much she had to attend three different high schools. She graduated high school in 1984. After high school she was not certain about her career path and followed her boyfriend at the time into the pyrotechnics field (professional fireworks display) and over an approximate 8 year period she helped set up fireworks displays for the Macy's event in New York, at the Statue of Liberty, in Las Vegas (many venues), a